The Housing Crisis
Housing is recognized as one of the three essentials of life, along with food and video streaming services. But this essential resource is becoming harder and harder to acquire as the cost of real estate and rent has increased dramatically over the past decades, while median incomes have mostly stagnated.
Those who entered the property market in the previous century are thrilled to see that their once modest homes have appreciated into the million+ or near million range. Those trying to enter the property market today are finding themselves priced out. Many renters find themselves unable to move because they can't afford the current cost of leases. Young couples are delaying their plans to have children, being unable to afford housing and childcare.
Should the government enact measures to correct this situation? What interventions will work and what will be the secondary effects?
Housing is recognized as one of the three essentials of life, along with food and video streaming services. But this essential resource is becoming harder and harder to acquire as the cost of real estate and rent has increased dramatically over the past decades, while median incomes have mostly stagnated. What interventions could solve the housing crisis and what might be the secondary effects?
Suggested Reading
- Wikipedia: The Canadian Housing Bubble - CBC: Foreign Interests in Montreal Housing - Zoning Restrictions in San Francisco - Housing Regulation Impacts
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