Right & Wrong

If you've ever studied ethics then you probably learned about theories like utilitarianism, virtue ethics or deontology. You've probably grappled with famous thought experiments like the Trolley Problem or the Crying Baby Dilemma. But these lofty theories and imaginary scenarios are out of touch with our daily lives.
A modern day ethical person should think about practical concerns like their impact on the environment, their voting patterns, and the consequences of their consumption habits. We should be concerned about the real impact that our lifestyle has on the world around us.
How do you think about the ethics of your everyday actions? What thinking tools do you use and what principles do you follow? Which of our daily habits are ethically right and which are ethically wrong?
If you've ever studied ethics then you probably learned about theories like utilitarianism, virtue ethics or deontology. How do you think about the ethics of your everyday actions? What thinking tools do you use and what principles do you follow? Which of our daily habits are ethically right and which are ethically wrong?
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