Artificial Intelligence in the Home

Artificial Intelligence is that brilliant invention that translates foreign websites into broken English, shows you advertisements for the product you just purchased, and recommends me YouTube videos featuring Ben Shapiro. Although some current implementations are hacky and primitive, AI is a burgeoning field of research and in the future it could potentially handle many tasks like driving, logistics, medical diagnosis, legal research, and security.

AI is already finding its way into our homes. You probably carry it around in your pocket and access it via many apps on your smartphone, and you might have a digital assistant like Alexa or Siri. These devices can control your thermostats, lights, and appliances. They can respond to voice commands and help you organize your life by making calendar entries and looking up information.

We love the convenience of AI but what are the risks? Exposing our home to the internet can make it vulnerable to hacking. As we interact with these machines, the corporations that provide them are amassing vast amounts of data about our habits and lifestyle. What even is intelligence, and can we ever trust the artificial product in the same way that we trust our free-range organic intelligence?


We love the convenience of AI but what are the risks? Exposing our home to the internet can make it vulnerable to hacking. Can we ever trust the artificial product in the same way that we trust our free-range organic intelligence?


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