
Did you agree to be born? I didn't, but here I am! …forced to live with the consequences of my parents' decision. Antinatalism is the belief that it's wrong to have children. Some antinatalists believe that life carries the certainty of suffering and pain, and that it's wrong to impose the burden of life on a child who cannot consent.

For others, antinatalism is a logical consequence of environmentalism or animal rights. Each new human places an undue burden on the Earth and we should stop having children so that our population can decline to a more sustainable number. Some say that the optimal number of humans is zero.

Do you accept the proposition of antinatalism? Do you believe that we should slow down the population explosion that humanity has had over the past century? What is your opinion about antinatalism?


Antinatalism is the belief that it's wrong to have children. Some antinatalists believe that life carries the certainty of suffering and pain, and that it's wrong to impose the burden of life on a child who cannot consent. What is your opinion about antinatalism?

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